Park Management Plan

TECT Park is jointly owned by Western Bay of Plenty District Council and Tauranga City Council, with the support of naming rights sponsor TECT (Tauranga Energy Consumer Trust) and Bay Trust. The Park was purchased in 2004 and has been open for everyone to enjoy since 2010.

The management plan includes the vision, goals and objectives for the park's development and management, in line with the Long Term Plans for both Western Bay of Plenty District Council and Tauranga City Council. The most recent version was released in 2019.

The plan provides details about the park's core values: play, create, learn and care.

The taonga (treasure) is located within Western Bay of Plenty District. The park falls under the administration of Western Bay of Plenty District Council, as the lead authority. Our responsibilities include acting as the Asset Manager, coordination of external interest groups, service delivery procurement and more.

TECT Park Management Plan

A strategic review of the park is currently under way. More information about this will be provided in the future.

Got pātai (questions)? Get in touch with the team by free phoning Council at 0800 926 732.

You can also contact the Rangers Station at 07 975 0926. Please note that the station is not always manned.