Contact Details
Phone: 0800 926 732 - 24 hours per day.
Postal Address: P O Box 12803, Tauranga Mail Centre 3143.
Location: Location Map and Google Map
User Groups - Contact List
Please contact Park Staff via email for non-urgent issues. We will respond as soon as possible. This email is generally only checked during office hours. If you have an urgent issue, please call Council's 24 hours number listed above.
Park Hours
Summer hours 7am to 9pm commence at the start of Labour Weekend (Labour Day is the fourth Monday in October). Winter hours 8am to 5pm start at the end of Easter Weekend (21 April 2025).
For Emergencies - AED Defibrillator Locations
Easy to use AED's can be found in the following locations:
- Ranger Station
- Adrenalin Forest
- Clay Target Clubrooms
- Tauranga Model Aircraft - Hutson Flying Field (Only accessible when the site is open by the club)